Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips #8

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Hello, everyone. This is Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips. I’m struggling with my voice this week. I’ve got some allergies, but bear with me. I’m going to do my best to get through the Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips. Today, we are talking about landing pages again, continuing our series on landing pages. We’re going to talk about different kinds of softwares that you can use to build landing pages out.

Now, you can’t, in fact, go and get templates from ThemeForest that are WordPress templates. If you have a WordPress site, you could add a landing page template as a page, and use that, and then adapt it. That is an option. However, I find that it’s simply much easier and smoother to use landing page builders. As a marketing agency, we use landing page builders. And so we’re going to go through … excuse me, and talk about some of the different options.

Now, I’m not going to cover every option out there. There’s really all kinds of stuff. We’re not going to talk about MailChimp landing pages or anything like that. But we want to look at the main guys that exist out there today for landing page building software, and talk about each option and what they’re good for. The first option, and it’s probably our favorite option, is Unbounce. Now, Unbounce allows you to build out landing pages. It’s a complete landing page solution, and it is the most feature-rich out of all of the options that you can do for a landing page builder.

It also works really well with Google Ads, whether that’s search, or YouTube, or whatever you’re doing. And there’s a lot of ways that you can customize this. Lots of extra features that you can add in with JavaScript codes if you want to do that, and really good support team. Really good instructions for everything. And it’s usually our go-to for any Google Ads campaign. I recommend Unbounce. I love it. I think it’s a great option for landing page building. We have built out probably thousands of landing pages over the years using Unbounce.

Unbounce allows you to do dynamic text insertion, so you can create a URL and then dynamically insert the text of that URL into your landing pages. It also lasts for real-time A/B testing, which is important. And it’s also got a smart traffic algorithm. If you create two different landing page, and you’re sending one click to one and one click to the other in real-time in your A/B testing, then Unbounce … it has a smart traffic algorithm, and it will begin to automatically send the traffic that’s the winning page. It’ll send the traffic to the page automatically. And it’s got a lot of other really neat features inside of it. You can do popups. It’s the most complete solution out there. If you’re doing Google Ads, then I recommend Unbounce.

Some people swear by Leadpages, which would be probably Unbounce’s main competitor. I’ve used it before. It’s similar in a lot of ways. However, I noticed it doesn’t have all of the features that Unbounce has. It’s a decent landing page builder. However, we haven’t really tested it as much with Google Ads, and it doesn’t have all the features that Unbounce has. However, the benefit of it is in the lower tier portions of it, it has cheaper pricing than Unbounce. So, if your budget is really the issue, then go with Leadpages.

And then you have ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels is by famous Russell Brunson … created by Russell Brunson. He’s a famous marketer. If you are going to be using Facebook and you’re building out a multi-step funnel of landing pages, this is probably what you’re going to use. Now, ClickFunnels has gotten a little bit dated, and I find their UI very clunky to use. It can be clunky to build out those pages, in my opinion. You really got to stick to the templates. You don’t want to do a bunch of custom, tricky stuff. That being said, ClickFunnels has a ton of templates that you can use, and it’s also easy to build out multi-step funnels and measure them.

If you’re going to be using Facebook, and you’re going to have more than one page … like, you’re going to have an actual funnel. This is what you use. Our agency also uses ClickFunnels because of this, and it’s a good piece of software. A little bit dated, but it’s still a very effective and very useful, especially with the social media type elements.

Converdy is the new kid on the block that competes with Leadpages and Unbounce, and they boast that they really focus on speed. To be honest, I’ve not tried Converdy yet, and the reason why is because it’s newer. Usually as a software as a service is new, their systems don’t work quite as well. They don’t have the time that some of the other competitors have. Their most is that they are fast. You can create really fast mobile pages that load quickly with Converdy. You can do the same with Unbounce or Leadpages. Unbounce allows you to build amp pages, which are versions of landing pages that load very quickly. We can do another video on amp pages later.

These are all options. These are the main options, really, if you’re going to be looking at a landing page builder. And my recommendation is you’re going to be doing Google Ads, get yourself an Unbounce account. And if you’re doing Facebook and you have a product that you’re selling, you’ll probably want some kind of funnel with upsells and downsells. In that case, use ClickFunnels. The other ones, you can get free accounts and most of these for limited time. You can test them out. See if you like them or not. Hopefully, that’s informed you a little bit on landing page builders. If you’re watching this video on YouTube, like and subscribe, you can also catch us every Tuesday on social media, and we email it out to our email list. Thank you for watching Tuesday’s Five Minute Tips.

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