Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips #3

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What’s up everybody. This is Jared with Hivelead with Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips. Let’s get into it. For the next few videos we’re going to be talking about landing pages, what are they, why should you have one? And when do you use it?

So a landing page is a standalone webpage that doesn’t have any external ones links or anything on it other than just being a little one page website. And a landing page is really important if you’re going to be doing any pay-per-click marketing campaigns. So if you’re going to be doing Facebook or YouTube ads or Google ads, search ads, or Bing ads or Taboola or Outbrain, people are going to click and they’re going to go to a place. And normally you don’t want to send that click to a website. If you’re trying to generate leads. Now, if you’re doing e-commerce obviously you’re going to want to send them to the place where they can buy the product. But if you’re doing a lead generation type of campaign, then you’re going to want to do landing pages. Now we’re going to talk later about e-commerce and what you can do to optimize the landing page, where you send the click. But today we’re talking about lead generation and why you want to build landing pages is to generate leads.

So the reason why you want to build a standalone landing page has to do with what is called the conversion rate. So when you are paying for clicks, you’re going to be paying anywhere from 15 cents up to $25, $30, $50 even in order to generate those clicks. So the clicks, they are not cheap, they are expensive. So in order for you to get a return on your clicks, the place where you send that click must be optimized, it must be optimized so that the highest percentage of people possible will take action so you can get a return on your marketing campaigns. So if only 1% of the people that go onto your page are taking action, that’s probably not very good unless you’re getting some very, very inexpensive clicks. So by building a custom landing page that is standalone, you can work on this page and you can make it so that a higher percentage of people will take action on the page.

So the way that you can make a higher percentage of people to take action is by removing all the excess stuff. So a landing page normally is going to be pretty simple. You don’t want a lot of text on the page and you want to make it very clear when come to it what you do and the action that they need to take. And so building a landing page that’s custom, that’s made for your PPC campaign, where you’re trying to generate a lead is extremely important, and it’s going to make your campaigns a whole lot more successful.

So in the next few, Five Minute Marketing Tips I am going to give you a ton of tips on building landing pages, because I personally have overseen or built myself probably in the neighborhood of 1500 to 2000 different landing pages that we AB tested. However, you can learn the skill and learn how to do it for your marketing campaigns and for your business. This is a really, really valuable skill to learn about. And what we work on, on our landing pages is called conversion rate optimization. So what can we do to your page to get a higher percentage of people to take action. And so we’re going to learn about conversion rate optimization, landing pages. We’ll have a section on e-commerce as well, where we talk about what tools you can use to optimize and test e-commerce landing pages. And we’re going to talk about all those details.

So landing pages, should you build them? Most definitely, especially if you’re going to do a lead generation campaign. All right. I’m looking forward to talking about this topic with you for the next few weeks. Thank you.

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