5 Minute Marketing Tips #12 – How Not To Ruin Your Marketing By Finding The Right Offer

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Hello, everybody. Today I’m not going to show my face. I’ve got a swollen eye and not looking too good, so you won’t see me on today’s video, but today we’re going to be continuing to talk in about on Five Minute Marketing Tips, we’re going to be continuing to talk about what are some of the biggest things that hinder your marketing that are typical things that companies do.

Last week we mentioned that one of them is no social proof, so no reviews online, nothing of that nature is available online. This week, one of the pet peeves that I have of working with companies is, is that they have no offer that is compelling. I just did a plumber near me and took a search for some plumbers in the area in Dallas, Fort worth, where I am and you can see a big difference between the two of these. This is a well-known company Rescue Rooter, well-known plumbing company, and you can see here, this is an Ad Words ad, you can see that they’ve got several offers that they’re making on this page. $99 main drain line cleaning, $50 off any plumbing repair, 10% off any repair or a $100 off a new cooling and heating system for any of these. They have three different offers on this page, and then we come to this page and there’s no offering on here. The offering is, “Call us and let’s see how it goes.”

Which one of these pages do you think is going to convert better? Yes, you guessed it, the one that actually makes a compelling offer. How many local businesses have someone going to their page and it’s like, “Call us, request a free consultation,” but there’s nothing that compels you at all. In marketing if you don’t have a really good offer, it makes it extremely difficult to get results. That’s for most local businesses.

Now you’re probably thinking along the lines of, “Well, what if I have a good offer?” Or, “What if I can’t make a good offer?” It all depends on how you frame things. Let’s say that you’re a roofing company and initially you can’t necessarily make an offer because you have to go and you have to actually evaluate the roof before you can make an offer to know what kind of offer you can give people. Maybe you can make an offer, but let’s just pretend that you can’t make an offer. One thing that you can do you is to reframe your offer. “We’re going to give you a free roofing inspection and that has $100 value.” How can you take something that you normally offer and reframe it in such a way as to make it attractive? That makes marketing so much easier. Anything that you do is going to be much easier than if I just come to this page and this is just blah, there’s nothing here that, as far as an offer goes, there are other things here. This is not a badly designed page, but I don’t see anything that wants me to say, “I want to take action when I go on this page.”

I can call them, I probably would call them, but unless there is something more compelling, if I had to choose between these two, they had the same amount of reviews and they had the same service and I need to fix something, well, I’m going to have this in my mind, $50 off any plumbing repair, okay. I’m probably going to call them first because they have an actual offer that they’re making that stands out from their competitor, which was this one.

You got to be creative with this and really just, you have to go do a lot of research on this. There’s already a video I made on this a while back, but one thing that you can do to look at offers, of course, you’re going to go and just Google and find your competitors and see what they’re offering. Maybe do some mystery calling, pretend you’re customer call and find out what they’re offering, but another one that you can use as Groupon. Let’s go and see what kind of offers we might see for plumbing.

Plumber near me. Let’s see what happens. All right, so I don’t really see much plumbing here, but oh, that means that that’s an opportunity for some of you, by the way, that are plumbers, go on Groupon. But you’re seeing coupons half off and things like that, that’ll give you some ideas. You can go here for most kinds of businesses and you can find people making offers, and it’s going to help you to figure out what are the offers that everybody else is making and what are the offers that I can make? Groupon’s a good, a good resource for you.

Use your common sense. Obviously you want to make an offer that makes sense but if you can make it compelling, different from what your competitors are offering, then it’s really going to help you to stand out quite a bit in all the marketing that you’re doing.

I’d much rather have this as my landing page than this, because we have an offering. This is not a bad landing page, but this is better because we have a cool offer that $50 off and this is a well-known company. There’s a reason for it. They’ve probably figured out this is a good offer to make.

All right, so we’ve surpassed our five minute time period. This is Jared with Hivelead Marketing. If you have questions about marketing, hit us up at hivelead-marketing.com. Like and subscribe to our YouTube video. We also posted this on social media. Thanks so much for your time today.

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