5 Minute Marketing Tips #11 – Problems That Hinder Your Marketing

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What’s up everybody. This is Tuesday’s 5 Minute Marketing Tips. We’re going to start a little series on what are the most common mistakes that people are doing with their marketing that makes it not work. We’re going to explore in this series some different reasons that drive me crazy, as a marketing company. There are things that people do and they don’t realize that until they take care of that, that anything that I do, as a marketing company, is going to be very, very challenging.

We’re going to talk about some different things on Tuesdays, some different pet peeves of mine, so to speak, that businesses have and some ways in which we can resolve those. Today we’re going to talk about the first thing that is a huge problem that a lot of businesses need to take care of, it’s actually pretty simple to take care of, and that is you have no online reputation.

You actually don’t … You don’t have reviews online anywhere that can be found. You don’t have a reputation on your website or your properties. On your website, you don’t have any social proof that people have used your service before, and you don’t have any social proof on your Google My Business Property, or Facebook or Alignable or LinkedIn or whatever.

Now, why is that a problem? That is a problem because most people when they look to do business online with a business they’ve never worked with before, one of the first things they’re going to do is they’re going to go and they’re going to look at your reviews, whether that’s on Yelp or Google My Business. They actually don’t Google, see the business and then call. They want to see if the business is legitimate first, before they call.

If they Google, let’s say that I Google I need to get an oil change right now for my car. So I Google oil change and there are going to be businesses that come up. Maybe Google Ads. Search is going to give me some ads or Google My Business is going to get me search results. Or, maybe I’m going to see the organic results. Or, maybe I go to Yelp and I type in … I’m going to start to look and see which ones have good reviews.

If I see there’s a business that’s not a recognizable name, that has no reviews, which one do you think I’m probably going to consider going to? Well, depending on the distance, I’m probably going to go to the one that has good reviews and as a good quantity, that has above a 4.7 star review. It’s really important that you get that issue resolved. If you can’t get people to review you on your properties, and you’ve got to have on your website, got to have some reviews.

If you’re doing a B2B type thing, that’s high ticket, you might not be able to get a good quantity of reviews in your Google My Business, or your Facebook. It’s really good to get some video reviews will be helpful, if you can get that from your clients. I have video reviews on my website. We don’t have a lot of reviews on Google My Business or Facebook, and we’re working on that. But we do have some video of clients on our webpage, some quotes that come directly from emails, from Upwork, from different sources on our actual webpage.

When you don’t have social proof, it makes it really hard. We can run the greatest campaigns, but it makes things a lot harder. We can do search engine optimization. We can rank you. We can do the Google local services ads, but none of that works nearly as well as if there are actual good reviews online. As I’m closing today, I want to let you guys know, for anybody that’s watching, that right now, we’re offering online reputation management.

We’ll manage your reviews and increase the number and quality and quantity of them for a month for free. I just want to throw that in there. You can, if you’re interested in signing up, you can go to Hivelead-Marketing.com and you can just text us there. The number for our businesses on there. We’ll get you attended to. One free month. You can try it out and see if it improves your review situation.

It’s really always the first thing that we want to hit with our clients that are local. It’s a huge issue for a lot of clients. Most clients, they have nothing, or they have three reviews or something like that. If you’re interested, hit us up. That’s my first tip and pet peeve. We’ll continue to talk about some other issues that companies have that they need to resolve before they start to do their marketing. We’re going to hit up each one of those things over the next several week.

Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel. We also put this on Facebook. We put it on Alignable. We put it on LinkedIn. You can follow us. These are just really going to be really practical tips. If you haven’t resolved these things, that if you can listen to these tips and you put these in line, when you start doing some more marketing is going to be very helpful to you. All right. Thanks. Like and subscribe. 5 minute marketing tips on Tuesday.

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We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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