Tuesday’s 5 Minute Marketing Tips # 7

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Hello, this is Jared with Tuesday’s Five Minute Marketing Tips. And today, I’m going to be talking about landing pages. Once again, this is our short series on landing pages. And today, we’re going to be talking about specifically the social proof sections of the landing page. And if we have time today, we’re going to talk about the benefits, or, I’m sorry, not the benefits, but the features of the product or service. So, these are the details about the service.

First of all, on the part of the page where you put in social proof, really, in my opinion, the best thing that you can do is, the more social proof and the more different kinds, the better. Video really counts a lot for your credibility. So, if you have video as social proof, make sure that you add it. It’s good to also maybe specify, if you have a lot of reviews on Google My Business or Facebook or Yelp, you might want to specify, “I’ve got 70 reviews with a 4.9 star rating on…”

A lot of times we do review management. So, we actually do review campaigns, review management campaigns, to get reviews in. And we will put a link, a light box or an embed on the landing page that whenever those reviews come in, which are always positive, because we do a review get campaign, that they will go into that box. And so, you’ve got tons of reviews that come straight from the actual sources and they look very, very, realistic and they seem genuine.

So, video is impossible for it not to be genuine, right? And this particular client didn’t have a lot of reviews, but he had at least some video reviews. So, that was valuable enough to put on here on this particular page. And if you’ve got a lot of reviews, you want to make sure that you showcase that. And if not, then get some video review, if you can, of your clients. And if you don’t have any of that, then just put what you do have. But the more that you can refer to the number of reviews and the more that you can show people you have a large quantity of reviews, that gives you a lot of credibility.

So. That’s it. Those are the main things that you need to know about your reputation on your landing page. It’s important to have this section. It really makes a big difference on the conversion rates.

And then, as far as the features of your product or service, it’s pretty straightforward. You want to easily represent visually. You can see here that we’ve done this, we’ve got four types of injections that you can get for this particular product that we’re selling. And it tells exactly what it does for you. So you always want to, on the benefits or the features, part of the copy, you want to make sure that it’s very succinct. If you can somehow break it up into visual components that will make it easier to refer people. That’s really good.

And so, you want to talk about exactly what it is they’re going to get. And another little tip here, if you can end this section, maybe add in an offer or something time sensitive, it’s a good place to do it on the landing page. If you’re going to do something like that, you always want to do it probably up at the top of the landing page, as well. But in this section, right now we have an XXX discount, so forth and so on. But you don’t have to do that. But the main thing in this particular section is just to be succinct, represented visually, and be very clear about what the offering is and what exactly is included in what they get. And how it works.

So, it’s probably the most straightforward section for me that you should be able to figure it out. And if it’s obvious what it is that you’re offering, then you really don’t have to put this section, at all. You could skip it or at least test skipping it.

So, those are my recommendations for landing pages, for the social proof section, and the features section. And so, our five minutes is coming to a close. Like and subscribe to us on YouTube. You can find us on social media and, by the way, if you need help building a landing page, feel free to set up an appointment with us, and we can talk about it. hivelead-marketing.com.

Thank you.

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