Tuesdays Five Minute Marketing Tips #6

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Five Minute Marketing Tips on Tuesday. We’re continuing to talk about the elements of a good landing page, and one of the elements of a good landing page that is super important is the benefits section. And here you can see the benefits section for one of our clients, Dr G’s Weight Loss and Wellness, and you can see that what we did is, instead of doing ad copy, is we just directly put in pictures that are more emotional of before and after of losing weight. This is the benefit of participating in this program and we wanted to show it in a very visceral way. And a lot of times for the benefits section, you can do things in a very graphical way or a very emotional way. But a lot of times you also need to write some ad copy for it.

And let me tell you, the benefits section is one of the biggest and most important sections after the very top section on the landing page. Let me tell you a story. We had a client and they had about an 8% conversion rate on their landing page. About one in 10, more or less, on the landing page would take action. And we switched out the benefit copy for new copy, which was actually very visual that talked about, if you get into this program, here’s the kind of money you could make. And it ended up almost doubling, from 8% to 15%, the conversion rate. So the benefits section is super important. It’s super important to hammer out something that’s a benefit section. So we’re going to talk about briefly how that can be done.

The way that you research ad copy for the benefits section is what I do normally is I have a little spreadsheet and what you want to find out are what the pain points are. So, the benefits are going to obviously solve the pain points and what we do is we research reviews. Reviews are what are going to give us everything we need to write ad copy for benefits if we have to do that. So we’re going to look at the pain points. We’re going to look at doozy quotes, and other quotes that are really good, that we want to grab and we can use pieces of those to create ad copy. And we want to look at maybe if we see recurring themes throughout, if we see the same thing over and over, we’re going to make a note of that. And we may find in the ad copy something that addresses a pain point that maybe we hadn’t even listed the pain point.

So the first thing that I do is usually just, if I know what the pain points might be, I just list them out obviously, and you can get that from the client or, you know your pain points, you know what your product or service solves. But then what we’re going to go do is we’re going to go first to one of my favorite sources is Amazon book reviews. So you go into Amazon Books and you look at their reviews and here is, we’ve found this book, The Psychology of Weight Loss, it had a lot of reviews. You want to find a book that has a lot and lots of reviews, because you’re going to have to pour through quite a few. And so we’re just coming down and I’ll just look in these.

I look at these different types of ad copy. So here you can already see no gimmicks, no fads. So this is something we could add in, no gimmicks, not a fad. All right. So this could be some kind of ad copy that we could work in. Change your weight permanently, painlessly. So we could just start going down and you’ve got all kinds of easy to follow… A sensible approach. And these people will just, I mean, they’ll give you the ad copy that you need. If you can’t figure it out on Amazon and you can’t find something that addresses the pain points, you can come to Yelp. And here we are in Yelp. I was just poking around before making this video, looking at weight loss and look at this. We’ve got 77, Absolutely Thin, 77 reviews. You can find somebody that’s got a lot of reviews and just go down to go through them. And you’re going to start finding what the pain points are.

And you want to read some of the bad ones too, because they can tell you what some issues might be. So here we see that, customer service for a weight loss clinic, is it good or not? So that’s a pain point that we can address. And we’re just going to go through and you find all kinds of gyms and things like that. So once you have filled this out and you’ve got a lot of detail, what you’re going to do is maybe pick your top three or four pain points, and you’re going to take some of this. You’re going to come over here in this column. And you’re going to write out your benefits, add a copy, maybe a headline and some text for each one of those. Keep it short, keep it simple. Don’t put too much text. And that’s how we come up with our benefits section. If you can just represent graphically, even better and, it can really change the nature of your landing page.

So that’s it for today, our five minutes are up. Five Minute Marketing Tips, benefits. Next week, we’re going to continue to be talking about the elements of a successful landing page. You can subscribe and like us on YouTube. Also, we put our stuff out on social media every week. So, I’m looking forward to continue talking about landing pages. Thank you so much.

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