5 Minute Marketing Tips #5

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All right. Hello, everybody. This is Jared with Hively, back again to talk about landing pages this week. Last week, we talked about above-the-fold, the first part of the landing page. Today, we want to talk about the elements of the entire landing page. So let’s jump into it. We don’t have a lot of time: five minutes.

And let’s talk about, for a second … How long your landing page is going to be and what it has depends upon where the click is coming from. So I want you to realize that the context of a landing page is very important. If I’m sending it from Facebook, then it’s very likely that we need to design a funnel. We need to design a series of landing pages that are going to fit with whatever it is that we’re offering. And so in that particular case, what you put in the landing page depends upon what you put in your Facebook or Instagram ad copy.

Same with YouTube. YouTube is probably just going to be a form field, because I’m going to put everything into the video. I’m not going to waste time creating a complex landing page, when in the video, I’m already going to talk about all of these particular things. But if we are sending a click from a display ad, from a maybe discovery ad, maybe from a search ad. In any of those ads, I’ve got to design a landing page that has a lot of information on it in a succinct and very quick way.

So over all, what are the sections that we want to include? And this is an example. So the first thing we’re going to want to definitely include. And the order of this can vary, okay? We already talked about what to do at the top, but the order of the rest of this can vary, and we can AB test different orders. One thing that you always want to put in is social proof. You want to make your social proof as authentic as possible. So if you can take screenshots from online, that’s good. If you can show … Like here, we’re showing that on Google, we have 4.8 stars, and you probably want to indicate that there are lots of reviews.

And so this is an example of reviews, and I always like to kind of interject all the time. About 20%, 30% of the people will not scroll down. About another 20 to 30% are going to scroll down to the middle of the page. So I like to, in the middle of the page, just stop them and put the Call to Action. And then maybe another 20 to 30% are going to scroll all the way down. It’s not true that people don’t scroll. They will scroll, but as we scroll down and they’re looking at this, next, we have the Features section.

So we’re going to tell people, in a succinct way: What are you getting in this particular program? So people that are looking for B12 lipo injections, these lipo injections, what is this program? What is it all about? What are you getting? And so we’re going to tell people in a succinct way about what it is that we’re getting. And then finally, we’re probably going to want to do a Benefits section.

So in this particular section, this is a Benefits section. This is telling people that what is the benefit of being in this program? Well, the benefit is that it’s going to help you lose weight. We’re just going to show you examples of exactly what it did for people that participated in the particular program, by showing them before and after, their before and after picture. And then finally, you’re going to want to do a Call to Action at the end, almost always, for those people who read this page and scrolled down to the end.

Now, a couple of pointers. Number one … And we didn’t do it on this particular page, but you’re going to want to add in, almost always at the end, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. All of the platforms, they like that nowadays. So go ahead and add those in, just in case. You can do that in a light box, or you can do it in a separate page, but you want to get rid of links. Don’t have links to other places on your landing pages. The only thing that you want, you’ll notice here. If I click on this, I get a form. I don’t have an external link. It doesn’t take me away from the page. If it’s a link, it’s going to be for a phone call or it’s going to be a light box that has a form in it.

Second, pay a lot of attention to how many words that you put on the page. You don’t want to put too many words, usually. A lot of times, for most niches, for most businesses, you want to do 500 words or less, sometimes even less. Unbounce has put out a guide on this. They put a guide on this every year. It’s really valuable, and it tells you, in each of the different business niches, what the ideal amount of words is for copywriting. So for lawyers, it may be 500, above 500 words. In between 500 to 700 words is ideal. For a lot of other niches, less than 500 words is what you want to do.

So those are a few tips for you. You really got to pare it down, but you want to graphically and quickly show people, in a succinct way, what it is that you want to offer. And it needs all of those different things. Then if you want to add in things and test them or things, you can do that in the About Us section. Perhaps sometimes those will increase conversion, but you want to make sure that it always adds something to the mix. You don’t want to talk about yourself; you want to talk about your clients. So if you’re going to put in a About Us section, that section is going to mention something unique that’s going to help your potential client, as they’re coming to this page, and it’s going to increase the conversion rate.

All right, so those are some general pointers, and we’re going to delve into some more details next week. Like and subscribe if you’re seeing this on YouTube. If you’re seeing this in another area, we put this out every Tuesday on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Thanks so much for your time. This is Five-Minute Marketing Tips on Tuesday with Hivelead with Jared. Thank you.

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