5 Minute Marketing Tips: Get Your Offer Straight.

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Hello everybody, I’m Jared from Hivelead. And this is our first time at creating video content. So, we’re going to be sharing video content every Tuesday at one. I’m going to be covering different subjects in roughly under five minutes.

So, I’ve been doing this for 10 years, and these are the things that I wish I would have learned from the beginning that would have made my marketing so much more effective. So, every week we’re going to be given out a tip. And hope these tips are going to be actionable. They’re things that you can go, and you can look at it, and think about in your business, and apply.

So, today, the very first thing that I want to talk about is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing. It is, what are you offering to your potential client in your marketing? Whether that’s on your website, whether that’s on your ads, or whatever it is, wherever it is you’re appearing digitally, what are you offering to them?

If you are offering to, for instance, wash someone’s car for $1,000, how many takers do you think that you’re going to get? You will not get any because that’s ridiculous because everyone knows you can get your car washed for $15 or $20 by real people. And even cheaper, you can get it if you just go to a carwash. So, that is a really bad offer.

If what I’m seeing from everyone in the market is… From a lot of our clients and we have to have a long discussion about it always, is you’re offering the same thing as everyone else. Or your offer is really not that good.

Now, it doesn’t matter what I do with marketing. It doesn’t matter the traffic I produced, the landing pages that I build, the SEO that we do, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a good offer. So, how do you go about crafting an offer? Well, you’re going to have to do some research. You’re going to have to go and look at your competitors. What are my local competitors offering? What are my national competitors offering? How can I improve my offer? How can I make it different from what they’re doing? And so, it can really set you apart from the competition, and make all of your marketing and sales way, way easier, if you will just craft an offer in your business that makes better sense.

Now, some of you are sitting there saying, “Well, you know what? I can’t really lower my prices. I can’t really change my offer. How do I navigate that?” Well, there’s some different things that you can do in order to make your offer at least more attractive. And one of those things is to frame your offer in a different way. So, sometimes just the way that you talk about your offer, and what it is you’re offering can drastically change the nature of what people are thinking.

If I say that, maybe, I’m going to give a free consultation, there are a lot of businesses out there that will give a free consultation. But if I say, we’ll give you a free consultation. And on this consultation, we’ll give you a booklet of da, da, da, da, da, and you add something to it that makes it more interesting, then suddenly that offer is far more compelling.

The other thing sometimes that you can do is to add things in that you offer with it. For example, Mike Diller is a very famous influencer. And he was trying to get people onto one of his platforms, he offered to give away a $10,000 prize to his email list, which is in the millions. And, of course, hundreds of thousands of people signed up for his platform. And it only cost him 10,000 bucks to do that. If he would have run $10,000 of ads, he would have never gotten those results. So, sometimes there are things that we can do like contests, or throw in things that that make sense to make the offer much more interesting.

And the third thing that you want to do, if you can, to make your offer interesting is to make it time sensitive. So, that always compels people to take action. So, I have a good offer, but it’s only for a limited time, and it’s going to be done at this time. And be specific about it, and be realistic about your offering, and not just make it just a marketing gimmick, and you actually do have something time sensitive. That’s going to make people to take action more often than not.

Finally, another thing I’ll add, you can do an upsell. So, you could offer something that is much more cheaper, simpler, easier, and then try to upsell. If there’s no way for you to set your offer apart, you can find a different service, or product that’s way, way cheaper, and just kind of throw it in the mix in order to get people into a funnel.

So, I want to keep these videos. This is passing five minutes now. But I want to keep these videos down to five minutes. So, next week, we’re going to go through the research process of finding out what are your competitors offering? I’m going to take you through, and I’m going to show you, just a few techniques to help you refine your offer.

So, if you’re interested, you can like or subscribe. This will be going up on YouTube, across social media. You can find me there too, Jared from Hivelead. And if you’ve got any questions, I’m looking forward to seeing comments from you all. Thank you.

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