5 SEO Tips for Local Contractors

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If you are maintaining an online presence for your business, you probably have already realized that it takes ongoing effort to make sure that your business is easy to find and that it turns up in local search results. You want to make sure that your business is correctly associated with searches done within your niche every time.

It is equally important to be sure that your business shows up when local searches are done. Even general searches for a wider city area or a statewide search need to include your business to make sure that you are not missing out on valuable conversions and actual sales.

If you want to learn more about SEO tips for local contractors, read on!

SEO Tips for Local Contractors

1.       Updated Directories and Google My Business

Make sure that any location where your business address and phone number and name are listed is up to date. There is nothing worse than losing sales due to being associated with the wrong address or missing out on phone calls and other connections that could lead to sales.

2.       Get Verified

Make sure that you are Google verified. This increases your reliability in Google’s eyes and makes sure that you are at the top of the local search results for your local area. If you are not verified, you will miss out on lots of search connections that you should be making for better ROI and sales rates.

3.       List All your Services

Make sure that your web pages and blogs and other content lists all of your services. Being too brief about what your business does can harm your searchability online and make you rank lower than competitors in your space.

4.       Optimize Your Homepage

Google looks at your homepage to find out the information that it needs for your local SEO associations. You will need to be sure that your homepage is optimized with all of this information so that Google returns your business in any related search in your area.

5.       Use Citations and Backlinks

Make sure that your web content and blog content use citations and backlinks to your pages on your website. This will help Google associate all of your web content with searches in your area and lend legitimacy to your website in Google’s eyes. Being associated with other local businesses through good linking practices can give your local SEO a big boost as well.

Local SEO is Critical for Your Business Success

Local SEO is a big determiner for business success. If you are not optimizing your online presence for proper SEO use, you will be missing out on lots of sales and conversions, and engagements that you should be getting on a daily basis. Make sure that you do not sell your business short by skipping this important step in improving your online presence.

Local SEO and regular SEO practices can help make your business easy to locate and easily verified through Google searches every day.

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